As some of my friends and family know, I've been in management, had my own business and been my own boss, and now work as a cashier at a local grocery chain. At first, I was embarrassed and felt that this job was beneath me. I thought I would move up quickly, especially after I started getting a lot of positive feedback from my supervisors and customers. But that didn't happen. This began to effect my attitude, which is usually very positive. I am a spiritual person though, and so I rediscovered prayer and asked for guidance. The result is that I learned that my attitude should not be brought down by my situation, but that I should use my attitude to bring me up. I've believed this for years, but now it is really being tested. Now I feel that I am where I am meant to be, at least, at this time of my life. Everyday, I have customers tell me how they see me smiling all the time, even when dealing with difficulties. And that I make their day.
Many people ask at some point in their life how they can make a difference. I think the answer can be as simple as having a positive attitude, and sharing a sincere smile with people around you. With the state of our economy right now, it may be the only thing some of us can to do help. In fact, I am beginning to believe, it is a big part of what we need to learn to get through this crisis. Economist, politicians, and big business want us to believe that the solution is more spending. Even the media is telling us this. Well, that never rang true with me, and less so now. I think the proof is in the pudding, and if you look at history, it has been proven time and time again. I won't assume that I know the answer, although I do have some ideas. But I believe, regardless of what the solution is, we need to remember that attitude is something we can control and can make a difference. I once heard that life is ten percent objective, and ninety percent attitude. In other words, you can't always control what is happening around you, but you can control how you decide to handle it.
Does this matter?
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